Monday, June 11, 2007

Welcome to My New Blog

Back in 1995, when I began to speak out on the dangers of breast implants ... I had no idea where this path would lead me.

I knew that women needed to connect with each other ... and so I began the first internet newsgroup dedicated to supporting women with breast implant difficulties.

I got smack dab in the way of the multi-billion dollar breast implant industry.
They had decided that they ... and those they chose ... would control the information on the internet and amongst the groups of implanted women.

From almost the first moment on Usenet ~ "The Wild West of the Internet" I was pushed head-on by an anonymous bully "mplnt" ~ who turned out to be the Vice President, then President of McGhan / Inamed, aggressively marketing implants.

Attaching himself with insiders is the exact modus operandi discussed in this excellent expose The Public Relations Industry's
Secret War on Activists
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton.

Since that time, my personal, professional and advocate life has been scrutinized, attacked, lied about, intruded upon, misrepresented, and re-written. Their version of me has been google bombed beyond imagination.

No comment has been too untrue or too personal or too made up to be posted as "facts" repeatedly. I have had private investigators stalk me and people close to me. My personal and unique name has been highjacked and viscious propaganda spread by the very people who lost to me court.

We never had a Humantics Foundation website until the Quackbuster Regime sued me in late 2000 in a massive legal and smear attack against scores of their critics. Because of the massive amount of lies and attempts to harm my good name, we created our first website in September, 2001. After all three plaintiffs lost in June, 2001, anyone searching for my name, would be greeted with the losing plaintiffs upside down and backwards version of me. After the Supreme Court of California ruled in my favor against them in this ultimate Industry Vs Activist SLAPP suit ... they upped their attacks on every level possible.

To believe their version of me ... I am the oldest, fattest, ugliest, most fraudulent, greediest, stupidest, useless, woman on earth ... my only goal to hurt the breast implant cause and the women.

Google has been bombed and then bombed by them attempting to redefine who I am, filling Usenet, Wikipedia, the blog world with their version. Having been ordered to post bonds of over $400,000 for my lawyer's fees ... they've gone beserk with their smears.

This page explains the lawsuit ... and what it means to internet law and free speech protection.

This page describes a portion of the smear campaign against me and those who have made careers out of attempting to destroy me ... and mine.

To take back my identity ... I have created this blog ... to tell you more about the real Ilena, what is important to me, and why I refuse to be silenced.

You are welcome to visit our homepage, Breast Implant

Blessings to you from me from somewhere on God's Green Planet.